Friday, April 20, 2012

Starmie Night

I wanted to take this iconic peice of art work and put a funny spin on it.
So i added a bunch of Starmies (Pokemon from Generation 1) to all of the stars into the painting.
In the town if you look close enought you will see a small blue bliding that is known as a Pokemon Center.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Consert Poster (Neon Trees) [Fan-made, Not real]

I just used alot of neon colors to bring it out of the black and white background.
I used didforent drawing efects on the bird cage and the mic.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Family Crest

I used the circle making tool, the star making tool, Live trace, Copy and Paste, the Eraser, The pen tool, Anker points, and Paint Bucket.
The Star and the Moon simbleise how my mom, my sister and I are a bunch of night owls. And the Koi fish for the age and the long history of my family. The Binery is because we are really into computers.